Last AMA General Meeting 4PM Timmerman Auditorium, Hyland Hall 05/01/24

Colin Deady




Colin Deady

Co-VP of Case, AMA

Colin Deady is a Senior marketing major with a digital marketing emphasis from Trevor, Wisconsin. Spring 2019 will be Colin’s sixth semester on board. Over that time, Colin has held positions as Co-VP of Strategic Marketing 3x, VP of Pro-bono Marketing, VP of Strategic Planning, and Co-VP of Diversity. This semester, along the side his Co-VP (Haley Lechner) and the Case Team, worked very hard to create a Case Document for The Wall Street Journal. He is very excited to help present the teams key findings to the Executives of The Wall Street Journal in New Orleans.

Outside of AMA, Colin has put the skills he’s obtained through the organization into use. On campus, he serves the Program Director for the Wisconsin Innovation and Service Center. Additionally, he used his skills to obtain a Special Events and Player Relations Internship at the Wisconsin Lottery this past summer. Colin also enjoys golfing, traveling, and going to Chicago Cubs/Bears games.

He is very excited to graduate this Spring and start his career in the Marketing Industry.

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American Marketing Association Whitewater, 809 West Starin Road, Hyland Hall Room 3009, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190