Last AMA General Meeting 4PM Timmerman Auditorium, Hyland Hall 05/01/24

Sam Gobert




Sam Gobert

Co-VP of Training, Sales Corps

Sam Gobert is a Senior Marketing major and Sports Management minor from Crandon, Wisconsin. Spring 2019 will be Sam’s fourth semester on board. Over that time, Sam helped start the new Sales Corps board by holding positions such as Co-VP of Internal Competitions, Co-VP of Strategic Sales, Co-VP of Training, and Co-VP of Fundraising. Sam has helped run the Regional Conference sales competitions and the Annual AMA Golf Outing. During his tenure, Sam also had the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas, New Orleans, California, The Netherlands, and Germany to compete in competitions.

Outside of AMA, Sam has worked on-campus in numerous positions he is passionate about. He serves as a Student Athletic Communications Assistant for the Intercollegiate Athletic Department, and has worked on campus as a Peer Mentor, helping new freshman get situated on campus during their first semester. Sam also enjoys collecting sneakers, traveling, and solving Rubiks’ Cubes. 

He is very excited to cap off his senior year with a great organization that helped him make connections and friendships that will last a lifetime. Sam’s goal for the end of the semester is to win International Chapter of the Year. Sam will graduate Magna Cum Laude in May. 

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American Marketing Association Whitewater, 809 West Starin Road, Hyland Hall Room 3009, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190