Brianna Oelke

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Brianna OELKE

Co-President, AMA

Brianna Oelke is a senior marketing major with an emphasis in professional sales at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater. This is Brianna’s seventh and final semester on the Executive Board. In Fall 2019, she was one of the Co-Presidents of the Sales Corp. Since then she has moved into the AMA Executive Board to be Co-President for the Fall of 2020 with Alec Arndt and in Spring 2021 with Lexi Ragano.

Since graduating from Franking High School Brianna had the opportunity to work with Pepsi as a Special Events Merchandiser for three summers and she absolutely loved it! In fact, she laded a Sales Management Internship with Pepsi this last summer. Since then she has accepted a full-time position with Pepsi in Dallas, TX as a Sales Management Associate after graduation.

One of Brianna’s favorite things about AMA is all the traveling opportunities that AMA has to offer each year (Las Vegas, New Orleans, and even Europe)! Outside of AMA Brianna works as a bartender at Cheapshotz and enjoys exercising, hanging out with friends, or just grabbing a bite to eat. With this being her last year in AMA Brianna is looking forward to creating as many memories as she can with her friends and her fellow board members.

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American Marketing Association Whitewater, 809 West Starin Road, Hyland Hall Room 3009, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190