General Meeting! March 19th at 4:00PM Timmerman Auditorium

Ava Sterbin

VP of Mentorship (Sales)

Caden Kretsinger

Dakota Senkbeil is a 3rd year marketing student from Oshkosh, Wisconsin and is graduating in the Spring of 2026. For his first semester as an AMA board member, he will be serving as a sales mentor for the sales corp of AMA. Dakota joined AMA as a way to get involved and further his marketing and sales skills overall, but he also was looking to meet new people. 

Outside of AMA, Dakota spends time with his friends, listens to music, and watches tv. Dakota is currently looking for internships specifically in the sales field. 

Dakota is very grateful for the opportunities and relationships he has built through AMA and is looking forward to building more connections this semester.

Last Revised 03/15/25

©2025 American Marketing Association Whitewater

American Marketing Association Whitewater, 809 West Starin Road, Hyland Hall Room 3009, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190